Creating Future Healthy Habits

From Digital Strategy to Brand Equity
Website Renewal for
Shiseido’s Supplement Brand
N.O.U is a supplement brand that is targeted towards active women. Setting the site renewal as our goal, we developed product visuals and unique media, redesigned the UX, and led the digital strategy plan in order to strengthen brand equity.
Client : Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd.

Visual communication, new experience, and spreading the brand narrative became the core in establishing the brand worldview when framing the website.

Judge This Book by Its Cover—
Visual Desirability
The brand originally needed to gain familiarity as a supplement brand. Our pitch was to use the pill and powder supplements as a simple, yet eye-catching visual. Along with creating an impressionable visual communication, it also works as a way to differentiate between products.

Development of casual content to evoke interest in supplements

Enriching the Brand Worldview
N.O.U is a supplement brand based on the everyday NYC woman’s lifestyle. In order for this way of thinking and worldview to surpass a product based approached, we developed original media.

Spreading brand worldview by publishing current information about exercises, mindfulness and trending healthy foods and lifestyles.

Value Beyond the Product—
Development of Unique Brand UX
We developed interactive content that visualizes users’ lifestyles in order to help them lead a healthier lifestyle and provide brand value worth more than just the products. When users input their responses to simple and casual questions, they will receive a graphic checklist representing their current lifestyle.

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